hoppi & TAO wimbush


Hoppi Ula Wimbush is the founder of the Lammas Earth Centre and creatress of The School of Natural Shamanism, delivering two practitioner trainings in Natural Shamanism and Sacred Healing Sound. She trains numerous people each year with the specific mission to birth the highest calibre healers for this time of profound change on our Earth. Her core passions centre around Source-based Spirituality, Creativity, Healing and Nature Connection. Hoppi designs, makes and facilitates the birthing of shamanic drums for many people, drawing on the incredible & ancient power of the shamanic drum to catalyse unity consciousness with Self and Nature.

She runs powerful life transformational healing & coaching programs & retreats both online and in person. See www.hoppiwimbush.com. She has designed, written and delivered various accredited qualifications in Self Development, Emotional Intelligence and Spirituality. She is devoted to her family, shares three beautiful children with Tao and is committed to being an agent of profound positive change so that all life flourishes in Love & Beauty.


Tao Paul Wimbush is the co-founder of the Lammas Ecovillage in West Wales. He has a wealth of experience in alternative communities across West Wales – including the anarchic Tipi Valley, and the farm community Brithdir Mawr. He has lived in tipis, yurts and roundhouses, and travelled by horse-drawn wagon. With a background in architecture and carpentry and a passion for social structures, his experience in alternative sustainable communities is unique and insightful. He has presented the internet TV series ‘Living in the Future’, and is author of the book ‘The Lammas Ecovillage’.

Tao runs his private consultancy practice, helping people make the shift from mainstream to land-based lifestyles. He is an expert on One Planet Development and Off-grid Homesteading.


If we are to bring about the transformational change that is needed in the world, we believe we need to address the underlying issues that are creating the degradation and decline of our Earth. In order for human beings to create a balanced relationship with the natural world we live in - we need to heal the inner nature within. By awakening our relationship with awe and wonder of the natural world, by invoking a wonder at the individual expressions that we each offer into life, and by celebrating the incredible fact that life even exists, we come back into a space of gratitude and humility in balance with all of life. Life is then recognised, honoured and cared for as truly Sacred and valuable.

The Lammas Earth Centre is committed to inspire, guide and support people from all walks of life in making the transition to living more lovingly with our earth, with each other, and ourselves. We aim to build upon the practical solutions demonstrated by the Lammas Ecovillage and the One Planet Development movement, addressing the emotional, mental and spiritual needs of our time. We aim to foster and encourage a gentle evolution in consciousness, to help serve humanity in making the much needed transition to natural harmony.

Barn owls living in our attic space

Barn owls living in our attic space

Creating habitat for wildlife in the garden


We have transformed a green desert into a place that attracts visitors from all over the world and we share beautiful natural timber framed buildings, compost toilets, solar drying wood-store, natural healing and retreat spaces to nourish and heal. We’ve hand built the foundations for the Lammas Earth Centre using stone hand-picked from a local quarry. The timber frame was constructed with local timber, and the design includes a minstrel gallery which will give an elevated view of the surrounding landscape. We’ve designed and fabricated a beautiful star form to receive the roof timbers that hallmarks the circular central space.

Every year, we work hard to develop the project in practical, tangible, visible ways. We have received incredible financial support over the years and feel deeply grateful that so many of you trust us and want to support our vision in growing.

Currently we are raising funding to build double doors on the Lammas Earth Centre. These doors would make a massive difference to the usability of the space in summer - we would be able to open them up and create a fresh breeze with a lovely view. The metal cradle would create a safe viewing balcony.

We would like to bring in local craftsmen to do this work - a carpenter (Stefan Proszynski) and a blacksmith (David Harland). The cost estimate for this work is £5900. 

All contributions toward this are really welcome - every £ helps.


The Lammas Earth Centre is a "Not for profit" Community Interest Company

(Company Number 13917832)

If you like to support our work and mission please consider a donation.

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