Off-grid homesteading - guided tours

From over a decade of Off-Grid homesteading experience, we will share indepth insight into our beautiful land, the conscious choices we made and discoveries we uncovered along the way. 

One Day Off-Grid Homesteading Experience

Come and spend the day with Hoppi and Tao - as we share our experiences of creating a smallholding from scratch as part of a larger ecovillage project. We will explore our gardens, meet our animals, share our homes, and hopefully help you to develop your own plans, ideas and aspirations. 

We will also cover:

  • Intelligent water systems
  • Grey water reed bed & compost toilet systems
  • Off Grid Living - the realities and what is possible
  • Green Building examples and considerations
  • Orchard Management
  • Livestock Considerations
  • What to consider when buying Land
  • What kind of land-based businesses are possible
  • OPD Planning Permission and Building Regulations 

We share everything from our own direct experience and will provide honest, frank, helpful guidance every step of the way. You will leave feeling empowered, reassured and loaded with real practical steps to take.


16th August 2024 (11am - 4pm) | Click Here To Book


£95 per person, includes delicious lunch and refreshments

Max 10 places (NB** Places go very quickly)

Tours By Donation

We hold tours 'by donation' on the following dates. All you need to do is turn up and park at the Lammas Community Hub for an 11am start. These tours last 90 mins and there's no need to book.

11th May 2024

15th June 2024

27th July 2024

24th August 2024

Bespoke Tours

We offer bespoke tours to people who are interested in exploring specific aspects of off-grid homesteading, whether that is how to get planning permission, community living, creating sustainable systems, or any other themes related to ecovillage/ eco-smallholding set-up. Come and experience solutions in practice.

Please CLICK HERE for more information and to enquire about dates and whats possible.



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Where the Beauty of Nature resides.
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