Natural Shamanism Practitioner Training



to book a free call with Hoppi

to discuss the training

Next Course begins 1st May 2025

Applications currently open for 2025


to download our brochure

about the training

The Philosophy

In Natural Shamanism there is only one Teacher... and that is Nature. The shamanic approach is perhaps the oldest spiritual practice on the planet in which human beings theworld over have sought connection with creation. There is no dogma, no written scriptures and no rules. Nature is our inner and outer worlds... there is no separation. Nature is One.

Natural Shamanism is centred in the natural flow and deeply respects all of life. It is a profound path of self development and spiritual growth. The shamanic path involves growing into a human being who walks in Sacred balance with integrity, wisdom and full heart, fully connected with the pulse of a practical, respectful, naturally aligned life.

Shamanism is an innate belonging, it IS a calling and not for the faint of heart... it's for people who feel called to heal themselves and truly serve in Life. It's for people who intend to take full responsibility for thoughts, actions and words and create and weave beauty, balance, love, truth and peace in the world.

“My experience of the Natural Shamanism Course has been one of Remembering who I Am.. who We All are. I have felt a gentle unfolding of My Heart, and a steady letting Go of negative ego patterns. The course provides practical and visionary tools to enable deep healing and connection to Magic and Mystery.” - Gerry
"The School of Natural Shamanism is a journey of healing the deepest wounds and finding bliss, by learning to be at service to Great Spirit."  - Jenny

In-person trainings @ Lammas

These are essential to your journey and are scheduled for the following dates:

14-18 July 2025

10-14 November 2025

6-10 April 2026

24-26 July 2026

Trainings include a hearty lunch each day

Dates & Times for our monthly online LIVE zooms will
be agreed to work for all participants


The first part

of your training involves learning the central drum journey format and working with your shamanic drum. This primary tool opens access to the Quantum Field to help you facillitate profound multi-dimensional healing for your clients. Your role at this stage is to facillitate your clients in retrieving their own soul parts, working with many different shamanic tools internally. This part of your training awakens your inner eye and helps you embody the tools and trust yourself to invoke the highest and the best within the world of Spirit. At this point in your training you work peer to peer. This involves much personal healing as well as facillitation of drum journeys.

The second part

of the training involves learning Hoppi's powerful energy healing map and dedicated energy healing tools to shift stuck, stagnant energy and invoke the highest and most vibrant alignment for your clients. You'll be working with wings, tuning forks, himalayan bowls, aroma, rattle, voice and drum. These energy healing tools act as amplifiers that deeply compliment the inner process you facilliatate with your clients. It is here in this second part that your case study work with "real" clients begins.

The final part

of your training involves taking everything you've learned and beginning to work within the Axis Mundi to retreive their soul parts on their behalf. You will be opening into creating safe and sacred space with ceremony, space clearing, intrusion extractions, curse removals, repairing auric tears, working with Animal, Plant, Angelic, Deity energies within the Spirit realm for the highest healing of your clients.

This practitioner training is YOUR OWN personal Spiritual Journey into your innate relationship with yourself and your world. You'll be encouraged throughout to listen deeply and follow your own personal truth, to take full responsibility for yourself, to really listen to your heart, to what feels natural and good to your being, and learn how your intuition is speaking with you.

Throughout your journey you'll be balancing the elements within, becoming Still, aligned and Sacredly Aware in the heart of all creation. This Presence will stabilise through your training. You will begin to work with theseembodied tools to bring balance, peace and harmony to people & places.

Skills you’ll learn include:

~ Working with Shamanic Tools for profound healing

~ Creating Safe & Sacred working practices

~ Designing & Holding Sacred Ceremony

~ Healing with Hoppi's Energy Healing Map

~ Connecting with Minerals, Plants, Animals and Place

~ Clearing & Blessing with Aroma and Fragrance

~ Cleansing & Balancing with energy amplifiers

~ Living in balance with the Four Elements within

~ Aligning in Sacred Source


to book a free call with Hoppi

to discuss the training


to download our brochure

about the training

"The School of Natural Shamanism has given me knowledge and tools to take a deep dive into Self and to activate my soul’s essence through the love that is within us all. I started the journey with ego work to peel back the layers of conditioning with deep awareness... journeying and meeting our guides, working with the drum and rattle, bodywork and sound healing, and using the creative imagination to assist in healing. It’s been truly incredible." - Tashi

"The teachings from The School of Natural Shamanism have guided me to deep connection with the non human world and how to source and transmute energy for the highest good." - Caroline

This 15 Month Practitioner Training is accredited by The International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine.

On successful completion of your training, you will be licenced and insured to practice as a Practitioner in Natural Shamanism.


£250 will secure your place, then you can choose which payment plan works best for you.

to secure your place for 2025


Pay In Full
(incl all in-person trainings)

£3450 (plus £250 deposit)


Pay monthly
(incl all in-person trainings)

15 payments of £230pm
Total Payment £3450 (plus £250 deposit)


Pay monthly
(+ "pay as you go" for 4 in-person trainings)

3 x 5 day Training (July, November, March
1 x 3 day Graduation (August)

15 Payments of £133.34pm

Total Payment £3450 (plus £250 deposit)

In-Person Training Include: One hearty meal per day · Plant, animal and mineral allies · All trainings

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Sharing the ever-evolving relationship of our inner and outer worlds...
Where the Beauty of Nature resides.
Not weekly, not monthly, just when the flow arises, naturally!

Just pop in your details below and we will see you when the time comes.