5 day Off-grid Homesteading experience

Our plot when we started in 2009


Our plot when we started in 2009

Our plot with the Earth Centre in 2023

5 day Off-grid Homesteading experience



A chance to immerse yourself in a truly natural lifestyle

Off-Grid Homesteading - 5 Day Experience

This course explores how to live on the land in a way that supports the ecology and resources of our planet. This involves generating energy and electricity from renewables. It means working with the land to create patterns of productivity through which you can harvest food, craft, textiles and resources that can support you, whilst building ecological health and diversity.

It means understanding our role in the water and soil networks and contributing to them positively. It means integrating with the local community to build networks of support and resilience. It is all about exploring a more balanced and conscious relationship with our natural world.

“Thank you, you are amazing and a true inspiration of how to live a full, honest and happy life.”  Karen W
“Thank you so much for looking after us this week! It has been far, far more than I ever hoped it would be. I’ve learned loads and remembered how to be alive. Your kindness and the magic of Lammas is a beacon of hope for the world.”  Mel
“Thank you for helping to provide such a fantastic experience. I’ve had a great time and have learned loads."  Mehul

Are you looking to explore how a more sustainable lifestyle might work for you?

This Off-grid Homesteading Experience offers a broad range of skills and resources designed to give you a taste of what it’s like to live sustainably with the land. If you are seriously contemplating making the shift to a more conscious land-based life … then this course is for you!

Drawing on over a decade of experience - we will explore together 

  • Growing food.
  • Getting down to earth and exploring ways to earn a living from the land. Examples include supplying fruit and veg, land-based crafts, livestock, value-added produce, and land-based education.
  • Understanding soil fertility.
  • Human scale land management.
  • Compassionate animal husbandry.
  • Learn about hydro and solar power and what an off grid lifestyle entails.
  • Green Building examples and techniques.
  • Water management.
  • Compost Toilets.
  • Navigating the planning system, including the One Planet Development policy,
  • The 4 year rule and seasonal workers’ rights.
  • What to look for when buying land.
  • Visioning your Ecohome/ Ecovillage.

Accommodation options include basic free camping with fire pit and wood supply, or staying in our retreat space, or range of friendly local B & Bs (details will be sent with booking confirmation)

Pay either

£595 per person on booking
£100 Non-returnable deposit (balance on arrival)
Inc Delicious Home-cooked Lunch each day. Breakfast & Dinner are self catering.


Arrival Day ~ Tuesday 29th July 2025
Departure Day ~ Sunday 3rd  ugust 2025
BOOK by paying the deposit below. Full payment due on/before arrival. 

Click Here to Secure Your Place

Another comparison - our Pond area in 2010 and in 2023

Another comparison - our Pond area in 2010 and in 2023

“Thank you for sharing with us and welcoming us into your home and heart. This is an inspirational place and has taught me so much. I am very grateful.Thank you.”  Jane D


“Thank you, I've been having dark times recently and I looked at this as a kind of retreat. Not its purpose but exactly what it’s been for me. Your love and warmth have been amazing. Thank you.”  Lowri John

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Where the Beauty of Nature resides.
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