Off-Grid consultancy

Tao Paul Wimbush is able to offer a range of consultancy services for people making the transition to a One Planet lifestyle. These include:
- Planning support including writing/ reviewing OPD Management Plans
- Dwelling house design including assembling/ reviewing/architectural drawings for OPD planning applications and construction guidance
- Land Agent work, including assessing a piece of land’s suitability from an Ecosmallholding’s perspective
- Design for larger scale community/ Ecovillage developments, including legal structures, finance and planning.

Project on paper

Project completed
Tao has been involved with One Planet Development (OPD) since its inception. He spearheaded the Lammas Ecovillage planning application (2006 - 2009), and has since worked on over twenty five One Planet Development planning applications to date.
He lives a One Planet lifestyle at Lammas and has an unparalleled wealth of experience in OPD. He trained as an architect and prefers to work in a collaborative way, helping clients to design their own off-grid smallholdings and land-based businesses in a way that suits their individual circumstances.
Please feel free to contact Tao to discuss your requirements.

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